Aurora, Dearborn County, Indiana list of letters for June 1863 appeared in:
Aurora Commercial – 9 Jul 1863 – Page 3, Column 3
List of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Aurora, Ind., on the 30th day of June, 1863.
- Adams & Smith
- Philip Alnas
- Lorenzo Bebee
- Miss Mattie Bedunah
- Hon J R Conway
- Joseph Clark
- Mike Cavenaugh
- Mrs. Maly Cheek
- Soseph Daniel
- Miss Jane Dixon
- William Eckels
- Miss Laura Grierson
- Thomas Geneghly
- Wm Hunter
- Miss Luie Harding
- Josephus Hutchings
- Richard Ivories
- Edmond Ives
- R L S Klein
- Miss M A Moriarty
- John Moore
- Rudolf Meyer
- John Parsons
- Miss Sarah L Palmer
- H G Powell
- Miss Anna Ropka
- Frederick Rhinehart
- Lewis Startzman
- Miss Minnie StClair
- George T Smith
- S C Tindall
- Miss Charlotte Vansant
- H B Wright
- Jonathan Windhorst
- Leo Wristman
- Mrs. James Armstrong
- Miss Elizabeth Burgdoll
- Charles Bauer
- George Brown
- Andrew Cinnamon
- Samuel Chapman
- Sarah Colwell
- William Copeland
- John Dickey
- J W Davis
- Fred Eckstein
- James Gibson
- Mrs. P Hanson
- Lewis Hour
- Anderson Huffman
- I D Harvey
- John I Jackson
- Francis Kenton
- Miss Lisy Karlan
- Miss Rasina Miller
- Mrs. Will McBeth
- Miss Lizzie O’Shagger
- Jacob Paulus
- Mrs. W H Palmer
- Samuel Quigley
- George Rosenbaum
- Miss Sofa Steffen
- Mrs. Lidy Short
- Josiah Swan
- John Thumser
- William Turner
- Ada N Veh
- Jabez P Watkins
- Christiana Walker
Persons calling for any of the above mentioned letters, will please state that they have been advertised, and remember the extra charge of one cent.