Aurora, Dearborn County, Indiana List of Letters for July 1851 appeared in:
Aurora Standard – 3 Jul 1851 – Page 3, Column 4
Remaining in the Post Office at Aurora, July 1, 1851:
- John Anderson
- Miss Jane A Arbaugh
- Elias Brewer
- Samuel S Barnes
- Reuben Brown
- James V Bud
- Martin Brace
- Mr. L. W. B.
- Ellen or Patrick Bourk
- Miss Mary Bilner
- Thos J Bailey
- David & Drake Bartlett
- John B Bartron
- Nelson Baker and Emanuel H Richardson
- Henry Bohmer
- John Bridewell
- George W Burton
- William Bainum
- Samuel Bushel
- Samuel Y Burnes
- Richard M Creath
- Dr. R Clayton
- Miss Matilda Chamfer
- Joseph Coupland
- Thomas L Cannon
- Jackson Chance
- A R Clark
- Caroline Churchhill
- W V Cheek
- Ralph Copelans
- Thomas Crinniffe
- T S Cochran
- Patrick O Donnel
- Miss Catherine Dorsie
- Miss Elizabeth Edwards
- Mr. Hannah Evans
- Phillip Erle
- Myron Eggleston
- John Greathouse
- Mr. Gilles
- David Groves
- Louis Grear
- Carter Gayley
- Friedrick Hoff
- Holmes & Sons
- Atkinson Horn
- John Held
- David Harowles
- William House
- Mary E Hope
- Catharine Huddart
- Mr. W House
- Ann B Henry
- Phillip Held
- Patrick Hynes
- Elnathan Horr
- Martha Jenneman
- George Jones
- Mr. A James
- Adam Johnson
- Martha Kanney
- Philip Klippel
- Patrick Kelly
- Caroline J Lamb
- Mr. Benjamin Lindsay
- Jno W Langtill
- T Luckitt
- Katherina Lockner
- Elijah Linsey
- B. Heurich Lansing
- Miss Mary Lindsay
- Michael McGuire
- John Marquet
- Anthony Malowney
- Wm McDaniel
- Fanny J McDaniel
- John McDaniels
- Walter McBroom
- L Manley
- David Noles
- John Wilson Nixon
- William Perks
- Reason Peters
- Collumbey Pinney
- Hiram Peters
- Peter Platter
- H P Puenneman
- William Simpson Pate
- Robert Quinn
- Doctor Reifschneider
- Strader Rirum
- Polly Richardson
- Samuel S Roggers
- James Ragsdal
- W. M. Rickits
- H J Small
- Nancy Snyder
- Harriet Smith
- Herd A Smith
- Almarion Smith
- Joseph Steele
- Mrs. Spigmin
- Cleveland Scott
- Mary H Smith
- Conrad Sonentag
- Peter Schmidt
- Elizabeth Sortwell
- Johile Savage
- Wm R Stanly
- Bessey Tunney
- Sam’l S Turner
- Catharine Taylor
- Miss Mary Thornton
- John Thuckberger
- Benjamin Vail
- A L Vail
- Ann E Wilson
- William Wilson
- Gustave Worling
- A T Warren
- Josna Wilcocks
- Dr. J W Wheeler
- Miss Emanine Waltard
- Nathaniel T Willey
- Col. Johnson Watts
- Anthony Walsh
- Christopher Weithe
- Mr. Wilson Wheeler
Persons in calling for letters on the above list will please say – advertised.
H. L. DEAN, P.M.