Aurora, Dearborn County, Indiana entries from:
Wiggins & Weavers’s Ohio River Directory for 1871-72. Cleveland : Wiggins & Weaver, 1871.
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Aurora Directory, 1871-72.
- ABBOTT, Nathaniel, cooper, Exportation, nr Second.
- Abraham E. J., wid. of E., Second and Mechanic.
- Achors, William, teamster, Fifth.
- Adkinson, E. W., att’y, o Second, nr Main, b Manchester.
- Advocate Printing Co., publishers Peoples’ Advocate, Public Square, opp Post Office.
- Ager, G., pastor Baptist church.
- Alloway, John, sewing maching agt., Third, nr Main.
- Appleton, F. G., book-keeper, Fifth, nr Main.
- Appleton, Frederick, merchant, Fifth.
- Appleton, W. H., book-keeper, Fifth, nr Main.
- Appleton, William, dry goods, &c., s Main and Second, h Boone Co., Ky.
- Arens, Henry, shoemaker, Front, nr Second.
- Arp, Peter, cooper, Fourth, nr Mechanic.
- Ashworth, Richard, carpenter, West Conwell.
- Aurora Chair and Furniture Manufacturing Co., Bridgeway and Third.
- Aurora Hotel, John M. Miller, prop., Third and Main.
- BACKMAN, J. J., of T. & J. W. Gaff & Co., Fifth, nr Mechanic.
- Bailey, Omar T., carpenter, Mechanic, nr First.
- Bailey, Sarah, wid. of Amasia, Second and Mechanic.
- Bailey, Thomes J., cabinet-maker, Moore, nr Washington.
- Barr, John, laborer, Exportation.
- Basler, Henry, tailor, s and h Main, nr Second.
- Beach, Pardee, carpenter, Fourth, nr Main.
- Beaker, F. W., physician, o and h Second, nr Main.
- Beaty, D. B., of W. E. & D. B. Beaty, Fourth and Main.
- Beaty, Mary, wid. of William, Fourth, nr Judiciary.
- Beaty, W. E., of W. E. & D. B. Beaty, Fourth and Main.
- Beaty, W. E. & D. B., saddle and harness makers, Main, nr Second.
- Beck, D. I., salesman, Fourth, nr Judiciary.
- Beinkamp, C. D., of Beinkamp & Giegoldt, Indiana House.
- BEINKAMP & GIEGOLDT, proprietors Indiana House, Fourth and Bridgeway.
- Bittner, Henry, barber, s and h Main, nr Second.
- Blackmore, O. M., wid. of Thomas, Second and Main.
- Bloom, A. & Bro., grocers, s and h Second, nr Main.
- Blythe, B. T., carpenter, Fourth, nr Mechanic.
- BOND, R. C., physician, o Second and Main, h George and Johnson.
- Bower, John, tailor, Third, nr Main.
- Bowers, Charlie, carpenter, Bridgeway and Second.
- Bowman, Isaac, butcher, Morrison, nr Johnson.
- Brackenhoff, Henry, grocer, Fourth, nr Exporting.
- Bradley, James, laborer, Morrison and Broadway.
- Bradley, Mary, wid. of Thomas, Third, nr Exporting.
- Brady, Simon, carpenter, Broadway, nr Water.
- Brannan, James, laborer, Exportation.
- Braunagel, E., saloon, Third, nr Mechanic.
- Brewington, Charles, clerk, b Exportation.
- Brewington, Joshua, of Brewington & Son, Third and Mechanic.
- Brewington, William, dry goods, &c., s Second, nr Main, h Fifth.
- Briddee, John, cooper, Moore nr Washington.
- Briddell, Sanford, cooper, Broadway, nr Moore.
- Brock, A. J., blacksmith, Water, nr Johnson.
- Brogan, John, machinist, West of Fourth.
- Brown, William, laborer, Exportation.
- Buffington, David, laborer, Moore, nr Water.
- Buffington, Marion, painter, Bridgeway, nr Second.
- Burns, Hannah, wid. of Peter, Judiciary, nr Second.
- Bush, Eliza, wid. of Noble, Fifth, nr Main.
- Bush, John, agent, Bridge and Morrison.
- Buttner, John, machinist, Broadway and Morrison.
- CALLAHAN, Dennis, cooper, Broadway, nr Main.
- Callahan, James, marshal, Water, nr Broadway.
- Campbell, I. T., merchant, Fifth, nr Main.
- Canfield, Newton, stone-mason, George, nr Main.
- Cannon, Edward, laborer, Main, nr ay.
- Carbaugh, I. H., judge, Third, nr Front.
- Casner, Caroline, wid. of Frederick, Second and Bridgeway.
- Cavender, B., laborer, Judiciary, nr Second.
- Chamberlin, Lucretia, wid. of Elias, Main and Broadway.
- Chambers, J., of Chambers, Stevens & Co., Fifth.
- CHAMBERS, STEVNS & CO., dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, queensware, &c., Second and Main.
- Cheesman, Geo., laborer, Johnson and Short.
- Cheisman, G. W., of G. W. Cheisman & Co., country.
- Cheisman, G. W. & Co., groceries, produce, &c., Main, nr Second.
- Christopher, Elijah, township trustee, Mechanic, nr First.
- Cless, Gust Fred., cigar-maker, Judiciary nr Second.
- Cobb, O. P., of O. P. Cobb & Co., country.
- COBB, O. P. & Co., wholesale and retail grocers, Second and Main.
- Cobb, T. J., of Denton & Cobb, George and Manchester Pike.
- Cochran, E., wid. of Isaac N., Second and Main.
- Cofield, James, laborer, Exportation.
- Cole, Eleazer, farmer, Main, nr Broadway.
- Collier, Wheeler, pilot, West Fifth.
- Collins, Lawrence, shoemaker, Judiciary, nr First.
- Collins, Lawrence, shoemaker, Second, nr Mechanic.
- Conway, D. W., student, Judiciary, nr Second.
- Conwell, John A., clerk of court, Fourth, nr Main.
- Coretant, Marinus, foreman, Fourth, nr Main.
- Cotter, F. P., finisher, Fourth and Main.
- Criswell, R., hardware, s Main, s s nr Second, h Main.
- CUMMINGS, JAMES, groceries, produce, queensware, &c., s Third, nr Main, h Third, bet Main and Bridgeway.
- Cunningham, Annie B., wid. of Samuel, Second and Judiciary.
- Curnayn, Ellen, carpet-weaver, s and h Judiciary, nr Second.
- DARE, Nicholas, cooper, Market.
- Davis, Charles, fisherman, Morrison and Broadway.
- DAVIS, E. H., cashier First National Bank, Sunny Side.
- Davis, S. J., wid. of Josiah W., milliner, Second, nr Judiciary.
- Davis, Wm., laborer, Fourth, nr Main.
- Day, George, painter, Mechanic, nr Second.
- Day, Robert, mason, Third, nr Front.
- Day, William, carpenter, Broadway and Water.
- Denerline, George, tinner, b Schulze’s Hall.
- DENTON & COBB, publishers of Dearborn Independent, Second and Main.
- Denton G., V., merchant, Main, bet Johnson and George.
- Denton, J. H., of Denton & Cobb, Moore and George.
- Dennos, J. H., ass’t assessor, Moore and George.
- Depler, Peter, cooper, Judiciary, nr Second.
- Dewey, Mrs. E. P., milliner, s and h Main, nr Second.
- Dewey, Fletcher, carpenter, Exportation, nr Second.
- DINES, GRANVILLE, barber, s and h Judiciary, nr Second.
- Dodsworth, Martin, laborer, Front, west of Fifth.
- Dolson, A. J., cooper, George.
- Doyle, Michael, blacksmith, Exportation.
- Duchemin, W. R., att’y and ins. agt., o Main, nr Second, h Manchester Pike.
- Dyke, Nathaniel, Jr., tinner, Fourth, nr Main.
- EAGLE HOTEL, John Hamilton, proprietor, Mill and Judiciary.
- Edwards, M. C., gent., Third, nr Main.
- Emrie, G. S., printer, Public Square.
- Emrie, Jehu, gent., Moore and Main.
- Emrie, John S., pilot, Moore and Main.
- Epstein, A., dry goods and clothing, s Second and Main, h Fifth and Judiciary.
- FAHEY, William, blacksmith, Main, nr First.
- Faunhader, Ernest, chair-maker, Third, nr Main.
- Fenton, Charles, clerk, Third, nr Front.
- Felgar, Lawrence, cooper, Mechanic, nr Second.
- Fenton, Thomas T., of G. W. Cheisman & Co., Third, nr Judiciary.
- Fenton, William, pilot, Third, nr Judiciary.
- FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Second and Main.
- Fisher, Henry, blacksmith, Third, nr Mechanic.
- Fisk, Charles, of H. Fisk & Bro., Mechanic, nr Railroad.
- Fisk, Harry, of H. Fisk & Bro., Moore, nr Railroad.
- Fisk, Hiram, of H. Fisk & Bro., Broadway, nr Railroad.
- Fisk, H. & Bro., carriage-makers, Main and Mill.
- Folbre, Thomas, of O. P. Cobb & Co., Fourth and Mechanic.
- Foulk, Lewis M., of O. P. Cobb & Co., George and Broadway.
- Forndorn, Theodore, watchman, Third, nr Mechanic.
- Fox, Noah, cooper, Johnson, nr Main.
- Frank, Vincent, distiller, Fourth, nr Judiciary.
- Frazier, A. J., telegraph operator, Second and Exportation.
- Frazier, Judson, telegraph operator, George nr Main.
- Freeman, Amsey, pastor Presbyterian church, Fifth, nr Main.
- Freiberger, Phillip, machinist, Third and Bridgeway.
- Fulton, James, laborer, Front, nr Second.
- GAFF, James, W., of Gaff, Lozier & Co.
- Gaff, Lozier, & Co., dry goods, groceries, &c., Second and Judiciary.
- GAFF, T. & J. W. & CO., registered distillery, foot of Mechanic.
- GAFF, THOMAS, of T. & J. W. Gaff & Co., and pres’t First National Bank, Fifth, nr Main.
- Gaff, Thomas, of Gaff, Lozier & Co., Main.
- Geiholdt, Charles, butcher, Third and Mechanic.
- Geisler, Elijah, druggist, b Indiana House.
- Gevel, Valentine, cooper, Fourth nr Mechanic.
- Gibson, O. D., clerk, Manchester Pike.
- Gibson, T. M., druggist and chemist, Second, nr Main, h Fourth nr Main.
- Gibson, W. E., of Gaff, Lozier & Co., Fourth and Mechanic.
- Gibson, W. E. & Co., cooperage, Importation nr Mechanic.
- Gibson, William, of Samuel Wymond & Co., Fourth, nr Main.
- Giegoldt, George C., of Jacob Giegoldt & Son, Cochran.
- Giegoldt, J., city meat market, Third and Judiciary, h Cochran.
- GIEGOLDT, JACOB & SON, city meat market, Third and Judiciary.
- Giegoldt, M., of Beinkamp & Giegoldt, Importation, bet Second and Third.
- Giffon, David, drayman, Fifth, nr Exportation.
- Giffen, William, teamster, Front, nr Fifth.
- Goldsmith, Martin, peddler, Third, nr Main.
- Gordon, James, pilot, Johnson and Water.
- Grautzer, Fred., cooper, Mechanic, nr Third.
- Green, John, school teacher, Market.
- Gregg, Richard, attorney at law, o Main and Second, b Indiana House.
- Griffin, G. W., dealer in groceries and produce, Main, nr Second, h Main, nr Third.
- Griffin, George, gent., Second, nr Main.
- Griffin, John, shoemaker, Morrison.
- Griffith, William A., cooper, Bridge and Morrison.
- Grosse, Adams, chair-maker, Exportation.
- Grossholz, Louis, proprietor Trester House, Third and Exportation.
- Guinn, T. M., cooper, Judiciary, nr Second.
- Gurth, Leo, painter, Fourth, nr Mechanic.
- HAINES, A. B., physician and surgeon, o Main nr Second, h Fifth and Mechanic.
- Hagy, Abraham, founderyman, Exportation.
- Hall, William, carpenter, Mechanic, nr Second.
- HAMILTON, JOHN, proprietor Eagle Hotel, Mill and Judiciary.
- Haring, M., furniture dealer, s and h Second nr Main.
- Harryman, A. B., dentist, Second, nr Judiciary, b Broadway, nr Main.
- Hauck, J., dealer in confectionary, &c., Main, nr Second, h Exportation, nr Second.
- Hauck, Jacob, barber and hair-dresser, Second bet Main and Judiciary, h Third, bet Main and Judiciary.
- Hauck, John, grocer, Second and Exportation.
- Hauck, Julius, barber and hair-dresser, Second nr Main, h Third nr Front.
- Haynes, E. D., deputy collector, Judiciary, nr Second.
- Hayes, J. R., book-keeper, Fourth, nr Main.
- Heaton, Eben T., carpenter, Broadway, nr Main.
- Held, George, tinner, b Fourth, nr Main.
- Held, Henry, sowing machine agent, Second, nr Judiciary, h George, nr Main.
- Held, P. H., Sr., merchant tailor, s Second, h George, nr Main.
- Held, Philip, tailor, Moore nr Washington.
- Held, Philip, tinner, Fourth, bet Judiciary and Mechanic.
- Held, Philip, Jr., stoves and tin-ware, Second nr Judiciary, b Fourth, nr Main.
- Heustis, Oliver, of S. W. Heustis & Co., Manchester, Ind.
- Heustis, S. W., of S. W. Heustis & Co., Manchester, Ind.
- Heustis, S. W. & Co., tobacco and cigar manufacturers, Second, nr Main.
- Hibbert, George, carpenter, Second, nr Main.
- Hibbert, Mrs. M. A., milliner, s and h Second nr Main.
- Hill, Ira, trader, Second and Front.
- Hisey, Joseph, car-builder, Broadway, nr Moore.
- Holmes, Thomas, drayman, Third, nr Main.
- Horn, Valentine, laborer, Market.
- Horr, P., watch-maker, Market, nr Fifth.
- Hubbard, Richard, groceries, Main and Broadway.
- Hubbard, Richard, grocer, Main and Moore.
- Hubbard, Thomas R., molder, Moore, nr Washington.
- Hudson, Mrs. Elizabeth, wid. of Littleton, Exportation.
- Huffman, Aaron, river trader, Moore and Washington.
- Hurlbert, H. W., of H. W. Hurlbert & Co., Fifth nr Bridgeway.
- HURLBERT, H. W. & Co., drugs, medicines and perfumery, Second, nr Main.
- Hurlbert, Henry, druggist, West Fifth.
- Hurlbert, L. G., of L. G. Hurlbert & Son, Fifth and Bridgeway.
- Hurlbert, L. G., Jr., of L. G. Hurlbert & Son, Fifth and Bridgeway.
- HURLBERT L. G. & SON, planing mill, Third and Mechanic.
- IEHN, Valentine, brewer, Fourth and Conwell.
- INDIANA HOUSE, Beinkamp & Giegoldt, proprietors, Fourth and Bridgeway.
- Irwin, James, carpenter, Fourth, nr Main.
- Ittner, Mary, wid. of John, Third, nr Main.
- JAER, Henry, laborer, Fifth, nr Exportation.
- Johnson, Adam, baker and grocer, s and h Second, nr Judiciary.
- Johnson, Columbus, grocer, b Indiana House.
- Jones, J. P., pattern-maker, Fourth, nr Front.
- Jones, W. L. S., dry goods, clothing, &c., Second, nr Main, h country.
- Jones, William, cooper, George, nr Main.
- Junker, Abraham, shoemaker, h Third, nr Judiciary.
- Junker, M., shoemaker, Main, nr First.
- KASTNER, Philip, groceries and liquors, Front, nr Fourth.
- Kastor, James, laborer, Third and Judiciary.
- Kummel, Michael, carpenter, Main, nr First.
- Kempel, Jacob, private boarding-house, Johnson, nr Morrison.
- Kemper, Wm., produce broker, b Indiana House.
- Kennett, James W., laborer, Morrison and Broadway.
- Kerrigan, Thomas, laborer, Exportation.
- Kersh, Jacob, cooper, Fourth and Bridgeway.
- Kesler, P., plasterer, Fourth and Bridgeway.
- Kieffer, Gregory, tailor, Third, nr Mechanic.
- Kiffin, Mrs. Nancy, wid. of Charles, Main and George.
- Kimbel, John, farmer, Third and Judiciary.
- King, N. B., cooper, Judiciary, nr Second.
- Kirby, Mrs. Alice, wid. of John, Exportation, nr Third.
- Kistner, Marcus, gent., Third, nr Mechanic.
- Klever, Anthony, laborer, Market.
- Klever, Henry, cooper, Market.
- Klever, Mrs. Margaret, wid. of Frank, Market.
- Klingelhoffer, Adolphus, laborer, Front, nr Fifth.
- Koehler, P., groceries and liquors, Front and Fifth.
- Kratzer, Andrew, carpenter, Front, nr Second.
- KREITLEIN, A., dealer in groceries and liquors, s and h Second, bet Mechanic and Bridgeway.
- Kress, John A., gent., Third, nr Mechanic.
- Kreutzer, John, cooper, Fourth, nr Mechanic.
- Kreutzer, Michael, cooper, Fourth, nr Mechanic.
- Kummel, M., cabinet-maker, Second, nr Judiciary.
- LAKE, T. M., teamster, Moore, nr George.
- Lamar, W. W., dry goods, East Fifth.
- Lamar, Blake, clerk, Fifth and Mechanic.
- Lamar, Harry, clerk, Fifth and Mechanic.
- Lamar, Howard, clerk, Fifth and Mechanic.
- Lamb, James, physician, o Second and Main, h Fifth nr Main.
- Lamkin, Charles, painter, Morrison, nr Johnson.
- Lamkin, Hudson, carpenter, Fifth, nr Exportatation.
- Lamkin, Thomas, carpenter, Bridge and Johnson.
- Langtree, Samuel, river trader, Fifth and Judiciary.
- Lansberry, A. B., wagon-maker, s and h Imporation, nr Main.
- Lansberry, Alexander, wagon-maker, Main, nr First.
- Lansing, Bennett, miller, Exportation.
- Laughlin, Wm., cooper, Third, nr Main.
- Leap, Mrs. Margaret, dressmaker, Bridge and Morrison.
- Leive, Henry, clerk, George.
- Leive, J. F. W., jeweler, Second, nr Main.
- Levi, M., gent., Second, nr Judiciary.
- Liebar, Benjamin, laborer, Market.
- Liemantel, Simon, miller, Conwell and Fourth.
- Lingan, Jesse, cooper, Front, nr Fifth.
- Littell, Susan, tailoress, George.
- Little, Mrs. Elizabeth, wid. of Joseph, Fourth, nr Mechanic.
- LOFTUS, WM., machinist, Johnson and Water.
- Low, John, laborer, Johnson, nr Morrison.
- Low, L. D., pilot, b Eagle Hotel.
- Louden, Elizabeth, wid. of Thomas, Main, nr Third.
- Lozier, A., of Gaff, Lozier & Co., Third and Front.
- Lukens, Matthew, pattern-maker, George and Moore.
- Luther, William, harness-maker, b Indiana House.
- MALONEY, John, grocer, s and h Second, nr Judiciary.
- Manns, Frank, finisher, Exportation.
- MANSION HOUSE, Andrew Schmidt, proprietor, Second, bet Main and Judiciary.
- Martin, Gerhardt, cooper, Fourth and Mechanic.
- Mary, Joseph, laborer, Fourth.
- Mattox, Charles, baggage-master, Second and Exportation.
- McCarton, Wm., mash hand, Conwell, bet Third and Fourth.
- McClellan, Wm. J., blacksmith, Mechanic, nr Second.
- McClure, Mrs. Alicia, wid. of William, Second and Mechanic.
- McConnell, Eliza, wid. of Richard, Second and Judiciary.
- McConnell, James, b Eagle Hotel.
- McCreary, Joseph, of Chambers, Stevens & Co., Fifth, nr Main.
- McGran, John, laborer, Judiciary, nr Second.
- McGuyre, Mancah, cooper, Exportation, nr Second.
- McHenry, B. N., agricultural implements, Main, nr Second, h Main nr Bridge.
- Merkle H., grocer, s and h Fourth and Front.
- Meyer, George, watch-maker, b Mansion House.
- Meyer, John F., carpenter, Main, nr First.
- Meyer, Joseph, merchant tailor, Second, nr Judiciary, h Fifth, nr Main.
- Meyer, Joseph, merchant, West Fifth.
- Meyer, Solomon, gent., Third, nr Main.
- Milburn, John N., books and stationery, Second, nr Main, h Fourth nr Judiciary.
- Miller, E. B., medical student, b Fourth, nr Indiana House.
- Miller, John M., proprietor Aurora Hotel, Third and Main.
- Miller, Joseph, machinist, Moore, nr Washington.
- Miller, Richard, laborer, Conwell, nr Third.
- Miller, W. R., boot and shoe maker, Second, nr Main, h Fifth, nr Main.
- Miller, Wm. W., of R. T. Winkley & Co., Fifth, nr Judiciary.
- Moore, G. W., machinist, Exportation, nr Second.
- Moran, Frank, drayman, Johnson, nr Main.
- Moran, H. A., cabinet-maker, Johnson, nr Main.
- Moran, Miss M. E., dress-making, Fourth, nr Judiciary.
- Morrill, L. R., carpenter, Fifth, nr Judiciary.
- Morris, Joseph, river man, b Eagle Hotel.
- Mulbarger, Freeman, tinner, Moore, nr George.
- Mulloney, Michael, laborer, Main, nr First.
- Mulloney, Patrick, laborer, Main, nr First.
- NEES, John A., proprietor Washington House, Third, nr Main.
- Nichols, Oliver, carpenter, West Conwell.
- Niebaum, Henry, clerk, Moore, nr Washington.
- Noble, E., book-keeper, Short, nr Market.
- OESTER, N., manufacturer of wines and liquors, s and h Third, nr Main.
- OHIO & MISSISSIPPI R. R. DEPOT, A. J. Frazier, ticket agent, Charles Mattox, baggage-master, Second and Exportation.
- O’Hagan, John, laborer, Main, nr First.
- Orwood, Elisha, painter, Johnson and Water.
- OSWALD, GEORGE, dealer in groceries and produce, also bakery and confectionery, also saloon keeper, Third and Judiciary.
- PARKER, Samuel, laborer, Moore, nr Washington.
- Passel, James, book-keeper, Mechanic, nr First.
- Passel, James L., book-keeper, Bridgeway, nr Second.
- Pelgen, Mrs. Clara, wid. of Fred., Front, west of Fifth.
- Pelgen, Peter, groceries, &c., s and h Judiciary, nr Second.
- Pepper, Col. Wm. T., gauger, Main and Johnson.
- Perkins, J. W., sewing machine agent, Main, nr Second, b Johnson.
- Peters, Jacob, carpenter, Main, nr Front.
- Pfiester, John, quarryman, Market.
- Plommer, Sidney, house painter, b Indiana House.
- POST-OFFICE, John Walker, postmaster, Second, bet Main and Mechanic.
- Potts, Daniel, pumper, West Conwell.
- Pritchard, Wm., brick-layer, Fourth, nr Front.
- Pugh, Richard, carpenter, Moore, nr Washington.
- RABENSTEIN, Geo., machinist, Third, nr Main.
- Raynor, Adam, laborer, Market.
- Raynor, George, drayman, Market.
- Rea, Joseph, horse-tamer, Second and Front.
- Rectanus, F., physician and surgeon, o and h Third, nr Front.
- Richard, Fred., carpenter, Third, nr Main.
- Richard, Fred., Sr., laborer, Third, nr Main.
- Ricketts, E., helper, Exportation, nr Second.
- Riggs, G. A., livery and sale stable, Second, nr Main, h Manchester.
- Riggs, T. H., laborer, Moore and Broadway.
- Ritter, Adam M., clerk, Fourth and Bridgeway.
- Ritter, George, cigar manufacturer, s and h Third, nr Main.
- Rossfield, John, cooper, Third and Mechanic.
- Rothirt, Mrs. Catharine, wid., of Frederick, Fifth, nr Judiciary.
- Rourk, John, carpenter, Exportation and Third.
- Rudolph, Lewis, saloon and butcher shop, s and h Main.
- Rudolph Steven, cooper, Exportation.
- Runkil, George, pastor German Lutheran church, Third and Front.
- Ryan, John, laborer, Exportation.
- SANKS, George, cooper, Exportation.
- Sargent, John, blacksmith, George, nr Moore.
- SASAMAN, JOSEPH, carpenter, and builder, contractor, &c., s and h Fourth and Bridgeway.
- SCHAEFER, GEORGE, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, gaiters, &c., s n e cor Main and Third, h Market, ab Fifth.
- Scheid, Charles, furniture dealer, s Second, nr Judiciary, h Third, nr Mechanic.
- SCHENK, JACOB, gun-smith, s Second, bet Main and Mechanic, b Second, nr Mechanic.
- Scheu Louis, laborer, Conwell, nr Third.
- Schipper, John, carter, Market.
- SCHMIDT, ANDREW, proprietor Mansion House, Second, bet Main and Judiciary.
- Schulze, A., proprietor Schulze Hall, Second, nr Main.
- SCHULZE, ADOLPHUS, saloon, Second, nr Judiciary.
- Schweigman, J., salesman, b Schulze Hall.
- Seed, Oliver, carpenter, Moore, nr Washington.
- SEVERIN, JULIUS, coopersmith and sheet iron worker, Importation, nr Judiciary, h Fourth, bet Main and Mechanic.
- Shafer, Peter, watchman, Fourth, nr Mechanic.
- Shattuck, Catharine, wid. of Asa, Main, nr Third.
- Shea, James, blacksmith, Fifth, nr Exportation.
- Shenk, J. W., carpenter, Broadway and Morrison.
- Sherd, John, plasterer, Judiciary, nr Third.
- Sherman House, Gustav Wiehrlieg, proprietor, Third, nr Mechanic.
- Sherman, L. H., printer, Judiciary, nr Second.
- Shockley, George, of Chambers, Stevens & Co., Fifth, nr Judiciary.
- Shoefer, George, shoemaker, Market.
- Shutts, Abram, watchman, Exportation.
- Sibley, E. F., of Advocate Printing Co., Public Square.
- Sidler, Chris., laborer, Exportation.
- Siegmundt, A. M., baker and confectioner, s and h Third, nr Main.
- Siemantel, Geo., grocery and bakery, Second, nr Mechanic.
- Siemantel, Leonard, gas works, Second, nr Mechanic.
- SMITH, H. W., of T. & J. W. Gaff & Co., and vice-pres’t First National Bank, Main and Fourth.
- Smith, Henry, proprietor Rail Road House, Second and Exportation.
- Smith, Henry, distiller and banker, Fifth, nr Main.
- Smith, J. R., blacksmith, Main, nr First.
- Snell, John P., blacksmith, s Main, nr Second, h Main, nr Moore.
- Spaeth, H. P., stoves and tin ware, s Second, nr Judiciary, b Indiana House.
- SPARKS, E. H., wharf master and dealer in hay and grain, Moore, nr Washington.
- Sparks, Elijah, wharf-boat, Moore, nr Washington.
- Squibb, G. W., of W. P. Squibb & Co., George and Broadway.
- Squibb, W. P., of W. P. Squibb & Co., Manchester Pike.
- SQUIBB, W. P. & Co., distillers and wholesale liquor dealers, Main, w s bet Second and Third.
- Stafford, James, grocer, s Second and Bridgeway, h Second, nr Mechanic.
- STANFORD, L. D., carpenter and builder, w s Main, bet Second and Third, h Cochran.
- Stark D., pilot, Mechanic, nr First.
- Stark, W., boot and shoe maker, s Second, nr Main, b Fourth, nr Mechanic.
- Starks, John, carpenter, Third, opp M. E. church.
- St. Clair, Daniel, harness-maker, b Indiana House.
- Stedman & Co, founders and machinists, Exportation.
- Stedman, N., of Stedman & Co.
- Stedman, N. R., of Stedman & Co.
- Stevens, Elijah, plasterer, b Indiana House.
- Stevens, Jacob, plasterer, b Indiana House.
- Stevens, J., blacksmith, Fifth, nr Exportation.
- Stevens, William, plasterer, b Indiana House.
- Stevens, W. F., of Chambers, Stevens & Co., Fourth and Judiciary.
- STEVENSON, G. V., collector int. rev., o and h Judiciary, nr Second.
- Stevenson, T. H., Judiciary, nr Second.
- Stewart, J. F., dentist, o Second, h Third, nr Mechanic.
- Stier, J. P., carpenter, Moore, nr Washington.
- Stratton, L. S., dry goods, notions, &c., s Second, nr Main, h Judiciary.
- Summerfield, Lewis, tailor, Second, nr Judiciary.
- SUTTON, GEORGE, physician and surgeon, o Third, s s nr Main, h on hill s of Mechanic.
- Sutton, Willis E., medical student, Rose Hill.
- Swobe, J., cooper, Fourth, nr Bridgway.
- TAYLOR, Mrs. Amanda, wid. of John C., Mechanic, nr Third.
- Taylor, Benjamin P., drayman, Second and Mechanic.
- Taylor, G. W., livery stable, Importation, nr Judiciary.
- Taylor, John M., liveryman, Fourth, nr Bridgeway.
- Taylor, T. John, merchant, Mechanic, nr First.
- Teaney, Zarah, stave dresser, Front, nr Second.
- Theetge, William H., carpenter, Morrison and Broadway.
- Thierfelder, A., shoemaker, Second and Judiciary.
- Thompson, Geo., pilot, Judiciary, nr Second.
- Thompson, John, cooper, Front, nr Second.
- Thompson, William, cooper, Front, nr Second.
- Thomsar, Jno., machinist, Mechanic, nr Second.
- Thranert, Henry, gent., Third, nr Main.
- TRESTER, B. F., carpenter, Bridge and Johnson.
- Trester, Frank, laborer, Johnson, nr Morrison.
- Trester, George, laborer, Main, nr Third.
- Trester, Joseph, laborer, Market.
- Trester, P. J., groceries, &c., head of Fifth.
- Trester, Samuel, drayman, Fifth and Main.
- Trew, Marion, farmer, Third and Mechanic.
- Trim, James, foreman, Indiana House.
- Truitt, Henry, fisherman, Bridgeway, nr Second.
- Tuck, N. H., photographer, Second and Bridgeway.
- Twentyman, John, boot-maker, Moore, nr Washington.
- Tyrell & Bro., dealer in groceries, &c., Main and Third.
- Tyrell, G. W., of Tyrell & Bro., Third, nr Main.
- Tyrrel, R. H., of Tyrrel & Bro., Main and Third.
- ULREY, J. P., dentist, h Rising Sun, o Second, nr Main; at home Mondays and Tuesdays, at Aurora Wednesdays and Saturdays, and at Lawrenceburg Thursdays and Fridays.
- Ulrich, Frank, cooper, Market.
- Unger, John, merchant tailor, s and h Third, nr Main.
- VAIL, J. R., clerk, head of Judiciary.
- Van Middlesuart, Henry, stone-mason, Fourth, nr Bridgeway.
- Vaughey, James, laborer, Morrison.
- Vincent, Wm., blacksmith, Exportation.
- Vussell, Mrs. Sarah, wid. of S., Fourth, nr Judiciary.
- WALKER, Henry, assistant postmaster Wilmington Pike.
- WALKER, JOHN, postmaster, o Second, bet Main and Mechanic, h Washington Pike.
- Walton, J. N., photographer, o Main, nr Second, h Fourth, nr Judiciary.
- Walton, Jas., photographer, Fourth, nr Front.
- Walton, William, laborer, Judiciary, nr Second.
- Watts, Wm., carpenter, Fifth, nr Front.
- Watts, Wm., carpenter, Fifth, nr Front.
- Watts, Wm., laborer, Judiciary, nr Second.
- Weaver & Co., storage and commission, Judiciary and Second.
- Weaver, J. W., of Weaver & Co., and city treasurer, o and h Judiciary, nr Second.
- Weber, William, salesman, Fifth, nr Front.
- Webber, William, clerk, Fifth, nr Judiciary.
- WEHE, JOHN A., manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of saddles, harness, bridles, &c., s and h Third, opp M. E. church.
- Weindel, John, clerk, b Fifth, nr Main.
- Weise, Albert, barber, b Second, nr Main.
- Wheeler, J. M., salesman, Fourth, nr Main.
- WHEELER, P., photographer, s and h Second, nr Main.
- Wiehrling, Gustav, proprietor Sherman House, Third, nr Mechanic.
- Wies, John, cooper, Third and Mechanic.
- Wilcox, John, clerk, Fifth, nr Judiciary.
- Wilcox, John K., printer, Fifth, nr Judiciary.
- Wilke, J. H., dealer in groceries &c., s and h Main, nr Second.
- Williams, P. W., of O. P. Cobb & Co., Manchester, nr city limits.
- Willman, Henry, laborer, Exportation.
- Wilson, John J., cooper, Fourth, nr Mechanic.
- Wilson, T. T., cooper, Moore, nr Washington.
- Winkley, R. T., of R. T. Winkley & Co., Judiciary, nr Second.
- Winkley, R. T. & Co., commission merchants, Judiciary, nr Second.
- Winscott, Eliza, wid. of John, Judiciary, nr Third.
- Worth, Mrs. C., prop’r Depot House, Second and Exportation.
- Wunderlich, Henry, Moore, nr Washington.
- Wyman, F., of Chambers, Stevens & Co., Fifth nr Main.
- Wymond, James, cooper, West Fifth.
- Wymond, Frank, merchant, Fifth, nr Mechanic.
- Wymond, Gill., engineer, Fourth, nr Judiciary.
- Wymond, James, of Samuel Wymond & Co., Fifth, nr Mechanic.
- Wymond, Philip, cooper, Bridge, nr Johnson.
- Wymond, Samuel, of Samuel Wymond & Co., Fifth, nr Main.
- Wymond, Samuel & Co., manufacturers of kegs and barrels, Main.
- YORK, F. A., livery stable, Judiciary, nr Second.
- York, F. A., gas-fitter, Mechanic, nr First.
- Young, William E., shoemaker, Moore, nr Washington.
- Youngker, M., shoemaker, Market.
- ZEH, Christina, dress maker, Fourth and Bridgeway.